Our roots started in consulting,
here are the results of our work

Safety Net Hospital Protocolizes a Predicate-Linked Technology to Reduce Care Variation, Improve Outcomes, and Avoid Costs Related to Septic Shock
A 300-bed , Level 2 Trauma, teaching hospital and part of a large, high-performing health system was inconsistently meeting the sepsis quality benchmarks set by both the health system and CMS. As a designated safety net hospital and location within the inner city of a major metropolitan area, the hospital provided healthcare for all population including an underserved population often presenting with untreated and unknown comorbid conditions.
Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock totaled more than 850 cases per year, and the hospital was challenged with an ICU Length of Stay (LOS) and sepsis mortality rates higher than the national average. Sepsis remains the most expensive reason for hospitalization in the U.S. One key element of the Septic Shock Early Management Bundle is timely and effective use of IV fluids. Despite meeting other recommendation set out in the sepsis bundles, fall-outs associated with fluid resuscitation are commonly associated with the inadequate fluid administered or the failure to perform and document a fluid re-assessment within the recommended time.
Improve clinical outcomes related to septic shock through a combination of protocolization, technology, and intense education and training
Quantify the changes in Sepsis Performance Measures between the study and baseline periods
Reduce the overall costs to the hospital for the treatment of septic shock by implementing an evidence-based volume resuscitation strategy

Key Measures
SEP-1 Bundle Compliance
Septic Shock 6-hr Bundle Compliance
Sepsis Screening Compliance
New Onset Mechanical Ventilation
New Onset Renal Replacement Therapy
Time Zero to Blood Culture
Time Zero to Antibiotic Given
Time Zero to Lactic Acid Collection
Blood Culture to Antibiotic Given

Implementation of a technology-driven fluid management strategy contributed to a decrease in ICU ALOS, new onset dialysis, and mechanical ventilation
Intense training and education raised the awareness on practice variation. This led to higher rates of sepsis bundle and screening compliance
Giving less fluid contributed to better patient outcomes and a cost-avoidance of over $11K per treated patient